Zetacored Tx Group
tx group
Group transaction subcommands
zetacored tx group [flags]
-h, --help help for group
Options inherited from parent commands
--chain-id string The network chain ID
--home string directory for config and data
--log_format string The logging format (json|plain)
--log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic)
--trace print out full stack trace on errors
- zetacored tx - Transactions subcommands
- zetacored tx group create-group - Create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account.
- zetacored tx group create-group-policy - Create a group policy which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin].
- zetacored tx group create-group-with-policy - Create a group with policy which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights, an administrator account and decision policy.
- zetacored tx group draft-proposal - Generate a draft proposal json file. The generated proposal json contains only one message (skeleton).
- zetacored tx group exec - Execute a proposal
- zetacored tx group leave-group - Remove member from the group
- zetacored tx group submit-proposal - Submit a new proposal
- zetacored tx group update-group-admin - Update a group's admin
- zetacored tx group update-group-members - Update a group's members. Set a member's weight to "0" to delete it.
- zetacored tx group update-group-metadata - Update a group's metadata
- zetacored tx group update-group-policy-admin - Update a group policy admin
- zetacored tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy - Update a group policy's decision policy
- zetacored tx group update-group-policy-metadata - Update a group policy metadata
- zetacored tx group vote - Vote on a proposal
- zetacored tx group withdraw-proposal - Withdraw a submitted proposal
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